Abidjan Metropolitan Transport Authority Study Tour to Cape Town

From 4 to 8 July 2022, Lyon -based not for profit organisation CODATU and AFD sponsored a study tour for a delegation from the Abidjan Metropolitan Transport Authority (AMUGA) to Cape Town to learn about the MyCiti BRT system and in particular the paratransit inclusion in the Cape Town BRT. The delegation included two executives from the local paratransit associations.
The delegation undertook site visits and meetings with public transport and paratransit operators in Cape Town, involved in the phase 1 BRT design, minibus taxi withdrawal, compensation, company formation, capacity building, contract negotiations and present- day operation of the Cape Town Integrated Rapid Transit system. ODA Managing Director and former chair of the CODATU Scientific Committee, Nico McLachlan, facilitated a work session on the roles and responsibilities of an MTA when introducing a large scale urban mobility improvement in a paratransit dominated context and in collaboration with the Regional Chair of SANTACO Mitchells Plain region facilitated a site visit to the Mitchells Plain Town Centre Public Transport Interchange followed by a discussion on the process of impact -based paratransit participation in BRT implementation as well as paratransit operations and business model improvements being tested in Cape Town.
ODA expresses its appreciation for participation of the following stakeholders in the Cape Town urban mobility ecosystem:
- Ms Dalene Campbell and staff of the City of Cape Town Department of Urban Mobility,
- Mr Francois Meyer: CEO Golden Arrow Bus services and the GABS Executive Team,
- Prof Roger Behrens: Head of the UCT Centre for Transport Studies,
- Mr Gershwin Fortune: Chair of the UITP Committee on Informal Transport and former Acting Executive Director Transport City of Cape Town,
- Mr Henry Arthur Williams: Chair of SANTACO Cape Town Region 8, Chair of Route 6 Mitchells Plain Taxi Association and Director of the N2 Express Joint Venture Company.