Who We Are

Organisation Development Africa (ODA) is a privately-owned strategy and change management consultancy specialising in complex, large-scale institutional change processes focused on the public transport and paratransit sectors.

ODA has extensive experience in the private and public sectors and in working at the public-private interface.

The company grew out of a number of business initiatives spanning more than two decades and combines the skills, networks and knowledge capital of some of Africa’s leading practitioners in the fields of business strategy, organisation development and paratransit reform.

ODA has extensive experience in the private and public sectors and in working at the public-private interface. The company grew out of a number of business initiatives spanning more than two decades and combines the skills, networks and knowledge capital of some of Africa’s leading practitioners in the fields of business strategy, organisation development and urban mobility improvement.

ODA has spearheaded the Transport Operating Company (TOC) formation in Cape Town as well as the Regional Transport Company (RTC) concept as a means of transforming paratransit operators into entities that can be contracted to provide scheduled public transport services and integrate with large scale public transport improvements.

Our International Footprint

Our understanding of the African continent from a political, social and economic landscape qualifies us to assist the private and public sectors in meeting the urban mobility challenges posed by developing and emerging market economies.

 ODA has undertaken urban mobility improvement studies, change management projects, research assignments and training & capacity building programs in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Namibia, Rwanda and South Africa.



  • Ethiopia
  • Ghana
  • Kenya
  • Lesotho
  • Namibia
  • Nigeria
  • Rwanda
  • South Africa
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda



  • Accra
  • Addis Ababa
  • Cape Town
  • Dar Es Salaam
  • Johannesburg
  • Kampala
  • Kigali
  • Lagos
  • Maseru
  • Mombasa
  • Musanze
  • Nairobi
  • Polokwane
  • Windhoek

Commuters arriving at Station Deck Taxi Rank in Cape Town, South Africa

Our Value Add

ODA adheres to the philosophy of working with the client system as opposed to working for the client.

We therefore employ a transparent, highly consultative and interactive work methodology, focused on obtaining both individual and collective inputs throughout all phases of the assignment.

Our way of  work  is highly participative, involving all stakeholders and representatives from the relevant public authorities. This ensures buy-in and commitment to the final outcome. We prefer to work alongside internal resources whom we train and develop in the use of our tools and techniques, resulting in sustained in-house capability after the assignment is completed.

Our consultative approach makes provision for the continuous creation of buy-in from stakeholders as a critical element of managing planned change.

Our Partners In Business

Corporate Social Responsibility

ODA has been the lead sponsor to Spenston AFC for more than 15 years.

The football club is based in the Cape Town suburb of Grassy Park and provides significant youth development and community upliftment programs as an integrated part of their main pursuit.
The club is more than 100 years old and together with ODA introduced a juniors league starting at the under 10 level.

Our support for the club and in particular for the juniors program feeds into wider initiatives aimed at providing meaningful after school activities.

Level 2 BBBEE Contributor In South Africa

ODA is a majority black owned company with all shareholders actively participating in the governance and management of the company. We actively address the requirements of Employment Equity and related legislation and strive to balance experience, race, gender and youth in our company structure.

Spenston junior soccer team in ODA sponsored kits

How can we work with you?



COVID-19 Corona Virus Notice:

On 31 December 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan City, China. ‘Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2’ (SARS-CoV-2) was confirmed as the causative agent of what we now know as ‘Coronavirus Disease 2019’ (COVID-19). Since then, the virus has spread to more than 100 countries, including South Africa. Emergency Hotline: 0800 029 999 WhatsApp Support Line: 0600-123456